Why the Selfie Generation Is Much More Than a Generation
Below is the original, unedited "Why the Selfie Generation Is Much More Than a Generation" with links to articles referenced that were not published with the edited FamilyShare version. Enjoy! :)
At this very moment the most ironic global event is taking place: the obsession with the selfie phenomenon. People have called selfie-takers Gen Y1, Millennials, or Generation Selfie.
Can the selfie phenomenon be merely reduced to a generation or an event?
People have argued “There’s Nothing Wrong With Being Your Best Selfie” and why society should “Have more faith in Generation Selfie.” Insightful commentators have explained how selfie-taking is merely another way to “write” contemporary conversation.
On the flip side, others have exposed how we’re in the middle of a selfie-addiction crisis that could be turning many 20-somethings into narcissists, who lack human warmth and connection.
A few have enlightened us that selfies weren’t merely born when mothers were giving life to children during the early 1980s to the early 2000s. Instead, these classy folks argue that artists have been rendering self-portraits for centuries, so why does the new medium of today (the smart phone) really change anything at all? Still, art curators find this extremely demeaning to the Greats.
But I wonder if there is more about this singularity that we’re not tapping into, even with all of the marketers, psychologists, and reporters going on about it with just the same amount of absorption and obsession for which these specialists are claiming the selfie-takers have for their “art.”
Let me explain—
Before the genesis of this blog post, came a simple, unprofessional survey conducted by me, myself, and I (Catch what I did there?). I came up with a slew of different headlines on various subjects I thought might intrigue online readers. I then asked my Facebook friends to vote. The majority ruled for an article about this selfie generation to which I am speaking.
I commenced on researching this favored topic. Then it hit me. I discovered one simple truth: everyone is completely infatuated—yes, infatuated—with the entire notion of the Selfie-with-a-capital-S. If you couldn’t tell, the introduction of this post is where I tried to illustrate this infatuation.
While I acknowledge I’m saying nothing new to state that narcissism did not begin with Instagram and SnapChat, I would like to propose the selfie generation is more than a generation or several generations. It’s actually quite simply who we are as an intellectual, self-aware, sophisticated species. It’s in our blood, our DNA, our narratives, our religion, and even our deity: “In the beginning…God created man in His own image.”2
The discussion going on today about the selfie generation is one large ironic piece of evidence to the entire pile of proofs: we are obsessed with ourselves, even our selfies.3
And for good reason. Darwin called it survival of the fittest, and I think that #shoelfie still fits today. We will always be intrigued with the Self. It helps us survive, just ask Freud or Jung.
1. Some argue that Gen Z is also/instead the Generation Selfie.
2. I am NOT throwing God under the bus. I believe on a deeper, more intellectual and spiritual note that if we studied the Book of Genesis, we might discover why self-love is a telling way we can show our love to God and thank Him for whom we are. God must love himself if He was willing to create man in His image; therefore appropriate self-love is not a bad thing but perhaps a celestial trait.
3. I acknowledge as the author of yet another post on selfies, I am just as much to blame as anyone for the stack of evidence.